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European ecumenical network opposes EU paradigm shift from reconciliation and peace project to militarisation

SCHOEFFENGRUND, Germany, 14 June 2017 – The members of Church and Peace have expressed clear opposition at the network’s Annual General Meeting on 9-11 June in Strasbourg to recent security and defence recommendations by the European Commission, says Chairperson
Antje Heider-Rottwilm.

On 7 June the Commission announced the launch of a European Defence Fund, proposed a regulation establishing a European Defence Industrial Development Programme to give financial support to the European arms industry and outlined possible future scenarios in a reflection paper on the future of European defence.

Church and Peace members were alarmed that instead of coordinating member state armament plans, and consequently saving considerable sums of money, Commission funds would be taken from the current – civilian – EU budget.

Download: Press release: Use EU funds to strengthen civilian, not military instruments, says Church and Peace (15 June 2017)