Church and Peace is the European ecumenical peace church network of communities, training centres, peace organisations and peace service agencies. It participates in the ecumenical dialogue of the conciliar process for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation and is a catalyst for common initiatives and projects.
- Read about active Gospel non-violence and what it means to be a ‘peace church’.
- Become acquainted with the members of the network and their experiences on the peace church journey.
- Learn about the ways in which they strive to live their commitment to non-violence on a day-to-day basis.
- Keep informed about events organised by Church and Peace, its members and partners.
- Find texts and documents published by Church and Peace.
Download the Church and Peace leaflet (pdf)
“You can never solve problems with the same mindset that created them.” (Albert Einstein)
Board of Church and Peace applauds the awarding of the Bremen Peace Prize to Maria Biedrawa and sends out invitations to this year's European conference in Brussels ‘Resisting War Today – Preparing Collective Nonviolent Alternatives’ Wethen, 13.06.2024. The board of...
European Conference: Resisting War Today – Preparing Collective Nonviolent Alternatives
Conference Registration open now!
We are very excited to finally share with you the news of our upcoming European Conference that will take place in Brussels, 24-27 October 2024. Come and check out our program and sign up to join.
Key Questions for Candidates of the 2024 European Elections
Who do you vote for on June 6-9? To help you make a decision Church and Peace, along with several other peace organizations have developed key questions for the elections of the European Parliament. We also want to draw attention to issues that are barely recognised in the shadow of the war in Ukraine, even though they are of fundamental importance for further European and global development.