Declarations / Press releases
Press release: European Conference and Board Elections of Church and Peace 2024 (Wethen, 4 November 2024)
Press release: Nonviolent Resistance – Rethinking Security (Wethen, 4 November 2024)
Press release: Guaranteeing Protection and Asylum for Conscientious Objectors, Deserters and War Resisters! (Wethen, 4 November 2024)
Press release: New European Commission prioritises competition and security instead of reconciliation and peace!
Church and Peace: Call to Members of the European Parliament: Use the hearing in the European Parliament from 4 to 12 November 2024 as an opportunity to correct the EU’s course (Wethen, 30 October 2024)
Message from the Board of Church and Peace: “You can never solve problems with the same mindset that created them.” (13 June 2024)
New Tool online: Church and Peace publishes Key Questions for Candidates of the next European Elections along with six other Peace Organizations (2 May 2024)
Press release: Changeover at Church and Peace: General secretary Lydia Funck moves on and Juliane Prüfert starts work (7 March 2024)
Press release: Racism and the Church: A needed debate (5 October 2023)
Message from the Board of Church and Peace: Encouraged by Pentecost: Upholding the vision of a just and nonviolent world (1 June 2023)
Press release: Peace groups call for action on anniversary of Russian attack on Ukraine (30 January 2023)
Press release: International Conference and Annual General Meeting: First take the plank out of your eye (26 October 2022)
Press release: ‘Focus on overcoming all wars’ – Peace organisations write open letter to the Assembly of the World Council of Churches (22 August 2022)
Press release: Church and Peace involvement in WCC Assembly in Karlsruhe 2022 focuses on peace, justice and role of the churches (16 August 2022)
Message from the Board of Church and Peace: Churches are challenged to the path of nonviolence (30 May 2022)
Press release: Peace, Sustainability and Protection for Refugees to Guide the Future of Europe (30 November 2021)
Press release: Church and Peace grapples with the topic of Images of God and (Non)Violence (7 September 2021)
Press release: Church and Peace comments on recent security policy decisions of the EU (25 February 2021)
Statement: Statement on security policy decisions of the European Union during the German Council EU Presidency (25 February 2021)
Press release: Nuclear Weapons are Banned – a Historic Day (22 January 2021)
Press release: “Together for Europe’s Recovery” – promoting the EU’s civilian peace capacities! (30 June 2020)
Press release: Coronavirus: Church and Peace cancels conferences and calls for solidarity with people at the EU’s external borders (25 March 2020)
Press release: Church and Peace 2020 Conference on ‘Images of God and Nonviolence’ and Coronavirus (18 March 2020)
Press release: Church and Peace joins ICAN and United4Rescue (11 February 2020)
Press release: For a World without Nuclear Weapons – An appeal on the 74th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945 (7 August 2019)
Press release: Church and Peace celebrates 70 years of active peace work in Europe with a ceremony in Berlin (19 May 2019)
Press release: €13 billion for the arms industry – Church and Peace protests against the decision of the majority of the European Parliament on Maundy Thursday (Easter, 19 April 2019)
Press release: For peace. For human rights. For Europe. Church and Peace together with 73 organisations calls for the rescue of the European peace project (4 February 2019)
Press release: Vote of the European Parliament on the Defence Fund: Parliament’s majority focuses on arms investment instead of strengthening civilian conflict management (12 December 2018)
Press release: Church and Peace calls for active remembrance and resolute steps for nonviolence (9 November 2018)
Press release: Church and Peace calls churches to nonviolence on Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. Path to ‘just peace’ must overcome logic of violence and investing in war step-by-step (29 June 2018)
Press release: EU risks becoming predominantly military alliance, says Church and Peace (28 June 2018)
Statement: Statement on EU budgetary priorities driving militarisation (22 June 2018)
Press release: Challenging the European Union’s decisions on PESCO and the Stability Instrument – A call of Church and Peace for the upcoming advent time (29 November 2017)
Press release: Use EU funds to strengthen civilian, not military instruments, says Church and Peace (15 June 2017)
Press release: Reformation 2017: Freed from fear, empowered to nonviolence (15 June 2017)
Press release: Interfaith and nonviolent: conference in Croatia against nationalism and
xenophobia (27 April 2017)
Declaration of conference
Press release: “German Mennonite appointed General Secretary for Church and Peace.”
The European ecumenical peace church network has appointed Ms Lydia Funck to serve as its new General Secretary, beginning 1 April 2017.
(30 March 2017)
Press release: “Peace building, sustainable development key to Europe’s future, says Church and Peace” (7 February 2017).
Church and Peace response to the Conference of European Churches’ open letter “What future for Europe?”
Press release: Church and Peace warns against extension of EU’s Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP) to include military support to third countries (12 October 2016)
Press release: A “stronger Europe”: security through non-military conflict prevention and resolution. Church and Peace network on the new European Foreign and Security Policy (1 July 2016)
Press release ‘Spiritual discipline core to choosing logic of peace over security’ on the conference 2016 and the vigil at the Eurosatory arms fair (15 June 2016)
Press release: Church and Peace AGM to focus on nonviolent responses to terrorism (1 March 2016)
Statement concerning increasing arms trade and military intervention (1 March 2016)
Press release: Church and Peace calls for comprehensive global climate justice and climate protection treaty to be agreed in Paris (27 October 2015)
Press release ‘The people in Kosovo need more encounters and better prospects!’ on the International Conference October 7 – 11, 2015“The fruit of righteousness will be peace (Is. 32:17) – Living together at the heart of Europe”, Pristina, Kosova
Press release: Church and Peace welcomes Pope Francis’ witness to peace (June 29, 2015)
Press release after the board meeting (November 18, 2014)
Press release ‘Nonviolence or the use of force as a ‘last resort’? An ecumenical discussion about conflict resolution and reconciliation (26 May 2014)
Press Release June 2013: Seek the Welfare of the City – the Prophetic Mandate of the Church (10 June 2013)
Contribution from Church and Peace to the World Council of Churches’ 10th Assembly at Busan, Korea: ‘God of Life, make us instruments of your peace and justice’ – From Kingston to Busan and Beyond (May 2013)
Press release ‘The European Community – an unfinished reconciliation project.The countries of the former Yugoslavia and European integration’ from the Annual General Meeting 2012 in Brussels (April 29, 2012).
Press release: After Kingston, churches must find answers to the question of the international ‘Responsibility to Protect – R2P’ (November 5, 2011)
Message of the Conference of Church and Peace to the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation in Kingston, Jamaica (May 22, 2011)
Press release Church and Peace Calls for Consistent Development of Strategies for Civilian Conflict Transformation (March 27, 2011)
Contribution from Church and Peace to the Initial Statement for an Ecumenical Declaration on Just Peace, September 2009, ‘Mending the Cloth of God’
Declaration by Church and Peace on the Concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) June 2009
Message from Corrymeela “Vulnerability and Security” June 2007
Bienenberg Declaration 1999