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European Conference of Church and Peace from 29 September – 1 October 2023 in Baarlo, the Netherlands

Overcoming Racism in the Church
Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness’ (Genesis 1:26)

Racism, anti-semitism, islamophobia, sexism, discrimination against Roma and Sinti are forms of group-based enmity, which are unfortunately still being reproduced through praxis and doctrines of European (peace) churches and communities today.

We know by now that Black, Indigenous & People of Color (BIPoC) have historically suffered from racist violence in white dominated church spaces. This conference will address the effects this continues to have on peace communities and the Church today and will investigate ways to mitigate these patterns from being reproduced in the future.

As Christians, we believe in God who has created humans in his*her likeness – and thus equal. Our faith requires us to actively oppose systems, practices, doctrines and ideologies of inequality. Our faith calls us to embody justice, to live in harmony and to build peace.

We ask: What does this look like in practice? How do communities and churches, and especially those that want to live as peace churches, counter these harmful attitudes? What does an anti-racist spiritual practice of equality look like?

The perspectives of Black, Indigenous & People of Color (BIPoC) will be given a central place in our conference. Our aim is to create safe learning and sharing spaces in which a critical examination of the past and present of peace communities and churches in Europe is possible.

With our speakers we will reflect on the theological and the practical work of churches in response to the call of the 2022 Assembly of the World Council of Churches to confront racism and xenophobia, overcome discrimination and ensure belonging.

Participants will share ideas and methods to empower the movement against inequality and racism, to be able to shoulder the pain of this discourse and, as a European network, strive to grow into a faith community depicting God’s likeness of every human being.


Kasteel de Berckt
De Berckt 1
5991 PD Baarlo
The Netherlands


Find more information in the event flyer for download