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“Believers for Peace” and “Church and Peace” oppose worrying growth of nationalism and xenophobia in Southeast Europe.

Schöffengrund, Germany, 27 April 2017 – “Re:Action – Believers for Peace in Times of Nationalism and Xenophobia” was the theme of a conference which was held at the beginning of April near Zagreb, Croatia, with more than 70 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia, and guests from Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, and the USA. Muslims and Christians, including imams, Serbian Orthodox priests, members of religious orders, and pastors of various denominations, took part. The conference was organised by the European network “Church and Peace” and RAND, a member organisation of Church and Peace in the region. Financial support was provided by: the Protestant Church in Baden; the Bremen-based foundation “die schwelle”; the German Catholic solidarity campaign with the people in Central and Eastern Europe, Renovabis; and the Ecumenical Women’s Initiative in Omis.

Press release (PDF) | Declaration of Conference