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Declarations / Press releases

by | Jun 14, 2017

Objava: Promjene u Church and Peace-u: Oproštaj od dosadašnje glavne tajnice Lydije Funck i početak službe Juliane Prüfert (07.03.2024)

Objava: Međunarodna konferencija Hrvatska: Izvadi najprije brvno iz oka… (26.11.2022)

Objava: Mir, održivost i zaštita izbjeglica kao smjernice za budućnost Europe (29.11.2021)

Objava: Church and Peace bavi se temom „Slike Boga i (ne)nasilje“ (07.09.2021)

Objava: Komentar Church and Peace-a na najnovije sigurnosnopolitičke odluke EU-a (25.02.2021)

Objava: Atomsko naoružanje je zabranjeno – historijski dan (22.01.2021)

Objava: Church and Peace se pridružuje međuvjerskom svjedočenju protiv nuklearnog naoružanja (06.08.2020)

Objava: „Zajedno. Učiniti Europu ponovo snažnom” – unaprijediti civilne mirovne kapacitete EU! (30.06.2020)

Objava: Korona virus: Church and Peace otkazuje konferencije i poziva na solidarnost s ljudima na vanjskim granicama Europske unije (25. ožujka/marta 2020)

Objava: Church and Peace postaje savezni partner ICAN-a i United-Rescue-a (11.02.2020)

Objava: Za svijet bez atomskog naoružanja – Apel povodom 74. godišnjice bacanja atomskih bombi na Hirošimu i Nagasaki 6. i 9. kolovoza/augusta 1945. (7.8.2019)

Objava: Mreža Church and Peace proslavila u Berlinu 70 godina aktivnog mirotvorstva u Europi (19.05.2019)

Objava: Church and Peace poziva na aktivno sjećanje i dosljedno koračanje prema nenasilju (9. studenog 2018.)

Objava: Church and peace poziva Crkve na nenasilje na hodočašću pravednosti i mira (29. lipnja 2018)

Press release: Church and Peace calls churches to nonviolence on Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. Path to ‘just peace’ must overcome logic of violence and investing in war step-by-step (29 June 2018)

Press release: EU risks becoming predominantly military alliance, says Church and Peace (28 June 2018)

Statement: Statement on EU budgetary priorities driving militarisation (22 June 2018)

Press release: Interfaith and nonviolent: conference in Croatia against nationalism and xenophobia (27 April 2017)

Proglas usvojili sudionice i sudionici konferencije “Re: Akcija – Vjernici za mir u vremenu nacionalizma i ksenofobije” (2. travnja 2017.)

Declaration of regional conference 2017 “Re: Akcija – Vjernici za mir u vremenu nacionalizma i ksenofobije” (in English)

Objava : Međureligijski i nenasilno: Vjernici za mir i Church and Peace protiv unzemirujućeg jačanja nacionalizma i ksenofobije u Jugoistočnoj Europi (Schöffengrund, 27. travnja/aprila 2017.)

Press release: “German Mennonite appointed General Secretary for Church and Peace.”
The European ecumenical peace church network has appointed Ms Lydia
to serve as its new General Secretary, beginning 1 April 2017.
(30 March 2017)

Press release: “Peace building, sustainable development key to Europe’s future, says Church
and Peace” (7 February 2017).

Church and Peace response to the Conference of European Churches’ open
letter “What future for Europe?” (7 February 2017)

Press release: Church and Peace warns against extension of EU’s Instrument contributing to
Stability and Peace (IcSP) to include military support to third countries
(12 October 2016)

Press release: A “stronger Europe”: security through non-military conflict prevention and
resolution. Church and Peace network on the new European Foreign
and Security Policy (1 July 2016)

Press release: ‘Spiritual discipline core to choosing logic of peace over security’ on the
conference 2016 and the vigil at the Eurosatory arms fair (15 June 2016)

Press release: Church and Peace AGM to focus on nonviolent responses to terrorism
(1 March 2016)

Statement concerning increasing arms trade and military intervention (1 March 2016)

Press release: Church and Peace calls for comprehensive global climate justice and climate
protection treaty to be agreed in Paris (27 October 2015)

Press release The people in Kosovo need more encounters and better prospects!’ on the
International Conference
October 7 – 11, 2015“The fruit of righteousness will
be peace (Is. 32:17) – Living together at the heart of Europe”,
Pristina, Kosova

Press release: Church and Peace welcomes Pope Francis’ witness to peace (June 29, 2015)

Press release after the board meeting (November 18, 2014)

Press release ‘Nonviolence or the use of force as a ‘last resort’? An ecumenical discussion about conflict resolution and reconciliation (26 May 2014)

Press Release: Seek the Welfare of the City – the Prophetic Mandate of the Church (10 June 2013)
Contribution from Church and Peace to the World Council of Churches’ 10th Assembly at Busan, Korea: ‘God of Life, make us instruments of your peace and justice’ – From Kingston to Busan and Beyond (May 2013)

Press release ‘The European Community – an unfinished reconciliation project.The countries of the former Yugoslavia and European integration from the Annual General Meeting 2012 in Brussels (April 29, 2012).

Press release: After Kingston, churches must find answers to the question of the international ‘Responsibility to Protect – R2P’ (November 5, 2011)

Message of the Conference of Church and Peace to the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation in Kingston, Jamaica (May 22, 2011)

Press releaseChurch and Peace Calls for Consistent Development of Strategies for Civilian Conflict Transformation (March 27, 2011)

Contribution from Church and Peace to the Initial Statement for an Ecumenical Declaration on Just Peace, September 2009, ‘Mending the Cloth of God’

Declaration by Church and Peace on the Concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) (June 2009)

Message from Corrymeela “Vulnerability and Security” (June 2007)

Bienenberg Declaration 1999