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Regional conferences

by | Jul 3, 2017

Politics of Division – Zoom Conversation

19 April 2021

  • Report of the event by Barbara Forbes
  • Watch of the input by Simon Barrow (Director of the ecumenical thinktank Ekklesia) and Bishop John Perumbalath (Chair of Churches’ Refugee Network) 

Britain and Ireland Regional Day 2021

13 March 2021
Building Peace From The Ground Up



White Privilege – Zoom Conversation

8 December 2020


Racism and Peace Churches – Zoom Conversation

1 September 2020

Church and Peace hosted an online conversation (via Zoom) to look at the Black Lives Matter movement and issues around racism and to discuss why racism should be a priority concern for peace churches and peace groups. The event featured contributions from Church and Peace members in Germany, Russia and Switzerland as well as the UK.

Contributions available for download:


Britain and Ireland Regional Day 2020

 22nd February 2020, Birmingham, UK
The Real Cost of War

 A day of workshops, worship and conversation exploring the impact of war today and why we need to stop future ones from happening. Organised by Church and Peace and the Fellowship of Reconciliation UK.

 Contributions available for download: 


German-language Regional Conference 2018

23. – 25. November 2018, Thomashof near Karlsruhe, Germany
“The paths are the goal – Engaging with the UN Sustainable Development Goals”


Britain and Ireland Regional Day 2017

28 October, Birmingham, UK
Peace church in a world of conflict? Answering the biblical call to nonviolence

This day of reflection and discussion will look at how we can be true to our vocation as peace churches in a world where we can feel that our message is not being heard and is regarded as impractical.

Contributions available for download by: 


German-language Regional Conference 2016

 25 – 27 November 2016, Thomashof near Karlsruhe, Germany
“And they lacked for nothing” – Reflecting on Economics and Justice

Focusing on questions of economic justice, including links to refugee flows, terrorism and war. Looking at biblically-based economic principles and alternative economic models.

  • Flyer
  • Sermon on Luke 19, Alejandro Zorzin (in German)
  • Keynote “Biblical impulses for an alternative economy”, Anthony Gwyther (in German)
  • Keynote “Sustainability, a good life, provision – guidelines for a just global economy”, Adelheid Biesecker (in German)


Britain and Ireland Regional Day 2016

29 October, Birmingham, UK
“And they shall live secure” (Micah 5,4)

This Church and Peace Britain and Ireland day of reflection and discussion will look at what makes us secure, and what makes us insecure, and how the churches can play a prophetic role in building true security in the region today.


German-language Regional Conference 2014

21 – 23 November 2014, Thomashof near Karlsruhe, Germany
“Peace witness and asylum” 


German-language Regional Conference 2012

23 – 25 November 2012, Thomashof near Karlsruhe, Germany
“Seeing the face of God in every person. The Kairos-Palestine document”
With Viola Raheb


Francophone Regional Meeting 2012

in cooperation with Sortir de la Violence
26 – 27 April 2012, Brussels, Belgium


Southeastern Europe Conference 2010

13 – 17 October 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia
“In building peace, we glorify God”
Conference series by Believers for Peace

  • Keynote “The potential of faith for social action”, Ana Raffai
  • Keynote “The potential of religion for social action”, Amra Pandžo