
by | Jun 5, 2017

To date the Church and Peace network comprises over fifty communities, churches, training centres, peace service agencies and peace movements, as well as around sixty members from the Mennonite, Quaker, Church of the Brethren, Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Orthodox, Reformed and Roman Catholic traditions from 14 European countries.

Corporate members

Corporate members are communities, churches, congregations and organisations who are in full agreement with the aims of Church & Peace and who attempt to live out this commitment as a corporate body. You’ll find a list of our corporate members and their websites under “links”.

Individual members

Individual members are individuals, couples and families who are in agreement with the aims of Church & Peace. Individual members are often affiliated with a peace group or community of faith in which they strive to live out their commitment to nonviolent discipleship.

Associate members

Associate members are communities, churches, congregations, organisations and individuals who are in broad agreement with Church and Peace’s bylaws but who are able to accept only in part the commitment implied therein. Associate members take part in the Annual General Meeting in an advisory capacity.