+49 5694 9905506

Pomognite prilozima Church and Peace

by | Jun 12, 2017

Mi smo neprofitna udruga. Financiramo se kroz članarine, dobrovoljne priloge i donacije privatnih i javnihinstitucija. Hvala Vam na podršci!

Financijski podaci:

• Church and Peace e.V., Bank für Kirche und Diakonie
IBAN DE55 3506 0190 1014 3800 07

• Great Britain and Ireland: Send STERLING CHEQUE to the order of ‘Church & Peace’ to Gerald Drewett, 39 Postwood Green, Hertford Heath SG13 7QJ or alternatively make transfe by BACS to sort code 16 58 10, account 20745001 and send email notification to gerald.drewett[at]ntlworld.com

• USA: US dollar checks to the order of Ivester Church of the Brethren (designation: Church and Peace fund), 25056 ‘E’ Avenue, Grundy Center, Iowa 50638-8761 (tax deductible)